Beautifully Restored

Beautifully Restored

Happy, funny, likeable, loving, kind, energetic, unique, honest, whole, truthful, confident, brave, fearless, creative, caring, positive, encouraging, focused, dreamer, beautiful, forgiven, and inspiring.  

Do you use these words to describe yourself? Positive, kind words. Do you see the beautiful woman created by God, loved just the way you are when you look in the mirror? Do you speak kindly to yourself? 

It’s springtime, and we see beauty coming alive all around us. Change has arrived. Spring change is different from fall change. In spring, everything is renewed and colorful. It gives us a new energy level. Do you see yourself as part of that beauty that is springing forth, or do you see yourself as broken, guilt weighing you down, overwhelmed by life, unforgiven or unlovable? Can you not imagine describing yourself with kind words?

I’ve been there. Nights of crying, tasting the salt from my tears. Regrets about the past, of not taking risks. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive ourselves or say kind words to ourselves if we live with some regret about the decisions we’ve made.

The beautiful grace of getting older is the opportunity to take inventory of our lives. Yes, I have regrets and I’ve made mistakes, but when I sit down to journal and pray, I can see how God has been there with me on my journey. He’s been my constant companion. He’s protected me, changed my direction, modified my thoughts. He’s taken my regrets and wrong decisions and used them for good. 

Everything in my life has been a stepping stone to shape me into the woman I am today. All the experiences I’ve been through and my future experiences have a purpose. All of the broken pieces of my life have been and can be repurposed into something beautiful and used to help others. He’s using them so that I can better understand the women I walk beside and serve. 

Now I can look in the mirror and speak kind words to myself. I’ve learned to love myself right where I am. Any heartbreaking season I’ve been through doesn’t define me, but instead has helped me to grow and change. God has given me my own story to share and to help other women. Each one of us has a story to share; it’s ours and it’s important to share our story. Our broken pieces can be uniquely and beautifully restored by God to share with others.

It’s springtime: see how you are blossoming, how you are beautiful and loved. Next time you look in the mirror, see the restored woman looking back at you, and speak kindly to her.

One day at time
Designed by God
Surrounded by love


  1. Brenda

    Because I know God and have Jesus on my side I am not afraid and I can look at my self in the mirror and see what God has made me into. 🐸 It is a beautiful thing. 💚

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