Eva Marie Workshops

About Marie


Marie Webber

For over forty years, Marie has been helping women of all ages find their passion and purpose by guiding, inspiring and encouraging them. She especially has a heart for women who are in recovery, coming out of trauma or domestic violence, and those being released from prison. She is a woman of compassion, creativity, and humor, who loves to serve others.

Marie knows what it’s like to live without a sense of worth or purpose. She grew up in an alcoholic, abusive home, often seeking a place of safety and solitude from her environment. As a scared, pregnant teenager, she spent time in a home for unwed mothers, racked with guilt and shame for having “messed up.” Because of these experiences, she often lived in survival mode, eager to please those around her in order to keep the peace. Her journey provided perspective and compassion for other women in similar situations. Through her faith in God, and the love and mentorship of strong women in her life, she learned the value of giving voice to her dreams and desires, and she found the motivation to rise above her circumstances into a fuller life. Her work centers around equipping women with the tools they need to do the same.

Marie is the founder of Eva Marie Workshops LLC, an Empowerment Coach and Facilitator. Her workshops provide a community where women can come together to be creative, encouraged and inspired. She lives in New Jersey with her husband of fifty-two years and has two daughters and one energetic grandson.



  • Empowerment Coach — Career & Life Transitions Center for Women
  • Celebrate Recovery — Leader (past), Mentor, Accountability Partner
  • Step Study Facilitator
  • Prison Ministry — helping women adjust as they re-enter society
  • Small-Group Facilitator for women
  • Certified Embracing Purpose Leader



  • 2019 Life Change Club with Diane Cunningham Ellis
  • Completed the course Confident Leader Catalyst