Too Busy?

Too Busy?

It’s mid October already! I love that Fall gives us so many beautiful colors: vibrant leaves of yellows, oranges and reds, mums in an array of colors, pumpkins, grouds, corn stalks, hay and sunsets. God’s creation is breathtaking. The cool crisp mornings are invigorating, and there’s so much to see and enjoy before winter comes and everything goes dormant until Spring. I enjoy all the seasons. Each one has its own personality and offers each of us something different that we can take pleasure in about the season.

Have you taken the time to enjoy the Fall season? This past Saturday, we went to a farm for apple cider. It was a damp, cool, rainy day. When we got out of the car, the smell of a fire burning, the bursts of autumnal colors against the barn all got my attention. I stood there for a minute to take it all in–it was the quintessential picture of Fall in all its glory. 

During that brief pause, I realized how busy I’d been all week, and how this was the first time I’d really stopped to take in my surroundings with all my senses. Why had I allowed myself to get so busy and forget to stop and be still? Here’s what I discovered from exploring this question in my journal:

1. We live in a world that promotes busyness and productivity. It’s hard to slow down when you live in a society that worships busyness; we feel guilty if we do slow down.

2. Our children are being taught at an early age that you must always be doing something. Sadly, our children don’t know how to be still and know that it’s okay, and even healthy, to do nothing from time to time.

3. Multitasking: the more you can do at one time, the more you appear to be superhuman, which our culture values. But do we accomplish more by multitasking or does it make us feel fractured, potentially causing more stress and anxiety?

4. When we are constantly rushing from one project, chore or activity to another, have we done our best work? Have we enjoyed it? Have we understood what we did and why, or is it another box we can check off?

5. Are we doing what we really want and need to do, or are we just busy? 

6. We are often rewarded for how much we do, but has anyone rewarded you for taking time to be quiet and rest? Have you been rewarded for slowing down and saying no thank you, I can’t take that project on at this time?

7. The more we do, the more people expect us to do. They might come to expect us to always say yes.

These are some of the thoughts and questions that came up for me. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

After my wake up call on Saturday, I’ve been reevaluating my goals and my purpose, and questioning why I’m doing what I’m doing. I don’t want to miss out on life because I was too busy.

How will you slow the busyness of your life? Remember, once we use our time, we never get it back.


  1. Gosia Zmuda

    Thank you Marie for this blog, it was my wake up call. I’ve been so busy this month, that it only led me to frustration. I kept checking the boxes on my to do list, and it never gets smaller. I’ve neglected my own needs for rest. This blog came in perfect timing. Thank you

  2. Kim Graham

    All the comments you have made us absolutely correct. I’ve been so busy in October helping my daughter take care of the baby going back-and-forth to New York City. I haven’t had time to even get my mums that I love and to enjoy October. I agree it is time for me to slow down and sleep and to enjoy my environment. Thank you for the reminder.

  3. Kim Graham

    All the comments you have made us absolutely correct. I’ve been so busy in October helping my daughter take care of the baby going back-and-forth to New York City. I haven’t had time to even get my mums that I love and to enjoy October. I agree it is time for me to slow down and sleep and to enjoy my environment. Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Karyn Kostolanci

    Tonight I spent time with my grandson, Zachary, who is 7. He’s in second grade. We did puzzles, played a board game, did some coloring. I had the best night I could have asked for. Making memories is priceless.
    I agree with everything you wrote, Marie. Making time to stop and just do the small stuff ends up meaning something huge that will last a lifetime. Treasure and cherish and gold tight to what matters.

  5. Kim Peckman

    The truth of your words ring so loudly in my heart & head. Quality, not quantity. Will we be remembered for how much we accomplished or for the time we took to cherish life, others & and our own souls.

    Beautiful! I’m so grateful for your kindness and wisdom.

    1. Dawn Yale

      I am so glad you stopped and took it all in and are slowing down. I know this brings up many thoughts for myself. I have always been a doer and list maker and I get such satisfaction putting the line through things on my list when they are done. But I get false self extreme and emotionally hide in the doing rather then living so I inventory each day to see if I’m present in my tasks. And I also prided myself in being a good multi Tasker but the truth is I’m cheating myself and those involved of my 100% when I multi task even if I do complete with success cause I’m mentally emotionally split in the process. That’s my thoughts ohhh and I am going to go get some cider apples amd pumpkins also this weekend. A treat from me for me

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