Month: <span>April 2021</span>

True Friendship

According to, friendship is a combination of affection, loyalty, love, respect, and trust. True friendship is when someone knows you better than you know yourself and takes a position in your best interests, particularly in a crisis. Friendship can go beyond just sharing time together and can be long …

Broken and Beautiful

This past week, Eva Marie Workshops hosted a socially-distanced, in-person workshop with Susan of Gardens of Grace. The workshop was titled “Beautifully Broken,” and as part of the session, Susan led us through a hands-on creative project in which we assembled and adhered broken pieces of colored tiles onto flower …

The Garden of Your Heart

Spring has definitely arrived in the Northeast! Flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and birds are singing so loudly that I can hear them with the windows closed. I love it! Time to start thinking about cleaning up my garden, planting flowers and putting down mulch.  The first garden ever …

Beautifully Restored

Happy, funny, likeable, loving, kind, energetic, unique, honest, whole, truthful, confident, brave, fearless, creative, caring, positive, encouraging, focused, dreamer, beautiful, forgiven, and inspiring.   Do you use these words to describe yourself? Positive, kind words. Do you see the beautiful woman created by God, loved just the way you are when …