What Brings You JOY?

What Brings You JOY?

JOY is a small word with a big impact.

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Sometimes we’re so overcome with these feelings that we shed “tears of joy.”

It took a while for me to understand the difference between joy and happiness in my life. Happiness is an emotion that we experience. Like all emotions, it moves through us—what made me happy yesterday may not make me happy today. Joy, on the other hand, runs much deeper: into the soul. Joy cannot be taken away because of circumstances or the way I’m feeling at a given time, whereas happiness can come and go depending on my mood or environment.

JOY is a choice. I can experience joy no matter what I’m going through.

Joy was a decision I had to make for myself, and making that decision was a journey for me. I used to think that my joy and happiness were interchangeable and dependent on other people. I had to learn that I cannot expect others to make me happy or to give me joy. Wanting to be happy was something that I chased daily, but it never lasted because each day was different. It wasn’t enough—it was too elusive and I couldn’t hold onto it. The chase was tiring.

The upside of that lesson is that my experience of joy is entirely within in my own grasp and can ground how I respond to life and all that is going on around me. I stopped asking, “What will make me happy right now?” and instead ask, “What can I do today that will generate lasting joy?” Joy brings me an abiding contentment in a way that happiness does not. In the midst of trials, no one and nothing can take away the deep inner joy that I have.

Now, can joy bring me happiness? Absolutely! My faith, my husband, my daughters, my grandson—they all make me happy and bring me joy. As do enjoying time with my friends, watching the sunrise and sunset, walking on the beach, helping others, expressing gratitude, starting a business, and learning new things. The difference is that I no longer put pressure on these people or events to make me happy. Instead, I rest in the constancy of the joy that I bring to these relationships and activities.

Joy gives me peace and inspires my creativity. It gives me strength and helps me face the day without worrying about tomorrow. I now let joy carry me. 

“For the JOY of the LORD is my strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10

What brings you JOY?

J – journey into your heart
O – open your heart to receive blessings
Y – yield to God’s leading


  1. Tanya G.

    Fascinating to read how Marie and others view and experience joy vs. happiness. I felt compelled to ponder the two words after a recent break up, while it was difficult to “let go” after many fond memories, reflected on joyful interactions, yet unhappy to part ways. I also realized while observing and enjoying sights and smells of various fragrant flowers, noticed happiness within peace of mind despite a not so pleasant situation.

  2. Tanya G.

    Fascinating to read how Marie and others view and experience joy vs. happiness. I felt compelled to ponder the two words after a recent break up, while it was difficult to “let go” after many fond memories, reflected on joyful interactions, yet unhappy to part ways. I also realized while observing and enjoying sights and smells of various fragrant flowers, N noticed happiness within peace of mind despite a not so pleasant situation.

  3. Debby Sansone

    Thank you Marie. I can relate to so much that you wrote. Always searching for happiness or this or that will make me happy. Then the feeling deep inside of joy that I get from my faith and trusting in God. This was wonderful to read.

  4. Audrey+L+Ulmer

    LOVE this one….Reading this really gave me discernment on these two words for sure. I know no one or no thing can make me happy…but oh yes how tiring it can be to try and put pressure on not only myself but other to find or make me happy. JOY on the other hand stays with us through the good and the bad days. Joy for me can be found in soooo many little things throughout my day…but mostly in my relationship with God and others. This is truly my favorite and most thought provoking blog you have written thus far Marie…thank you for being YOU and sharing these beautiful blogs with us.

  5. Donna Wilson

    Joy, is a walk on the beach with the sun on my face, and finding a sand dollar as the waves break on the shore, to the sunset over the bay.
    Joy, holding my first grandson the first time.
    Joy, knowing deep down, I am a child of the One True King.
    Joy, seeing others being baptized, accepting Jesus as their Lord a d Savior.

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