The Value of Friendships

The Value of Friendships

“Encourage one another
and build each other up.”

I Thessalonians 5:11

I chose this verse for Eva Marie Workshops because I feel that, as women, we have a strong desire and need to be encouraged and built up. I started EMW to bring women together in a safe community in order to share, grow, inspire, encourage one another, and make new friends. Our lives can be so busy that we don’t always have or take the time to cultivate strong friendships. 

In our lifetime, we’ll have a variety of relationships: acquaintances, friends for a season, and friends for a lifetime. One doesn’t necessarily need a lot of friends, but a few good ones—friends who you can call or text in the middle of the night when you need to talk or cry; friends who can celebrate with you during milestones like the birth of a child; or friends you can simply hang out with.

True friendships are a precious gift. A friend who knows all about you and accepts you just the way you are, rough edges and all, is a beautiful gift to cherish. A good friendship takes work on both sides. Friendships require honesty, trust, giving of yourself, good communication, space, inspiration, and encouragement.

We have examples of true friendships throughout the Bible. My favorite is Naomi and Ruth. Naomi lost her husband and her sons. She was all alone, and it was hard. But Naomi had her daughter-in-law, Ruth, who was with her, to encourage her and walk beside her during this difficult time. 

“Wherever you go I will go, wherever you stay I will stay. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God.”

Ruth 1:16

COVID-19 has made it hard to connect in person, but thanks to technology we can stay in touch, which is so important during this time of isolation. Let your friends know how much you appreciate their friendship. Make time for your friends, and when you can, try to make new friends. Friends may come at different seasons of your life, while others come into our lives and stay forever. Cherish them all.

To have a good friend, you have to be a good friend, and that starts by being a good friend to yourself. Always treat yourself the way you want to be treated, and you will attract the right friends. The more you know about yourself, the better your friendships will be.


  1. Kale Gem aka Tanya G.

    It feels like ‘tis the season to forge nourishing friendship, nurture and rekindle others aligning with our purpose. Thanks for the positive friendship inspiration!

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