The Heart of a Woman

The Heart of a Woman

The beauty of a woman radiates from her heart.

February–the month of love–has arrived. Stores are decorated in pink and red hearts and filled with heart-shaped candies that express sweet sentiments. We’ve associated love in all its forms with the heart as far back as ancient poetry. We think of the heart as the center of our deepest desires and strongest emotions.

A woman’s heart is a beautiful gift. It’s fragile, strong, delicate and resilient. From an early age, a little girl’s heart feels deeply; it can hide secrets and hold dreams. She might share those thoughts and dreams with a friend–be it another girl, a pet, a favorite doll or teddy bear–whomever she feels she can trust with her deepest truths.

For the month of February, we’ll talk about and share the different emotions our hearts can feel.

I’ll start the conversation with a story about my mom, who’s nickname from my father was “Sweet Thing.” She was a woman with a kind, generous and forgiving heart, and she saw the best in everyone. She also had an outsized sweet tooth to match the sweetness of her heart! (Her favorite Valentine’s candy was cinnamon hearts.) She had a radiant beauty about her that I believe came from keeping her heart soft. She was an example of strength, of tenderness, of resilience and courage. She loved deeply. My mom’s life wasn’t easy–she grew up poor in the South, and lost her mother at a young age. Her youngest son, Terry, was killed in a car accident, and her other son, Michael, got cancer. I saw her grieve through the battles and losses of my brothers, but she always chose to reflect kindness and not bitterness, to share and not be selfish, to give grace and her time to others. My mom taught me so much about the unconditional love of a mother’s heart. I was blessed to have the chance to return some of that love by caring for her at the end of her life, which was bittersweet for me. I was happy to care for her, but I also knew it meant the end was near, and I didn’t want it to end. My mom and I would sit up at night and color and talk. She would reminisce about her life, and as she spoke, my heart was quietly breaking because I knew I had to prepare myself to say goodbye. She was my strength and my best friend, and she taught me about the beauty of a woman’s heart–that no beauty shines brighter than a kind heart.

Brightness that shines from within
Excited about life
Always sees the best in others
Unafraid to be herself
True to her values
Young at heart

Do you have a story about the beauty of your heart, or the heart of another that you’d like to share? Please do so in the comments section.


  1. Pauline Bellamy

    What a beautiful and heartfelt article!
    My sweet brother had an amazing heart and was such an inspiration as he dealt with numerous health challenges over the years. His struggled ended this week and he had hung in for my sister and me. Watching him humbled me and made truly understand the beauty of a loving❤️

  2. Pauline Bellamy

    What a beautiful and heartfelt article!
    My sweet brother had an amazing heart and was such an inspiration as he dealt with numerous health challenges over the years. His struggled ended this week and he had hung in for my sister and me. Watching him humbled me and made truly understand the beauty of a loving❤️

  3. Jane Brady

    This is an amazing message. I am on my way to changing my own heart. I like the b.e.a.u.t.y. Lesson. I want to emulate them as I go this stage of my life. Thank you for sharing from your heart Marie. ❤️

  4. Luisa

    I like to share the heart of my sister. She passed away in 2019 after a long battle with cancer. She had a beautiful heart, always willing to help others. She loved life, there was no sadness around her. When anyone gathered at her house, it was a special occasion. She lived in France and yet we were so close. We talked every day, she was my best friend. I miss her so much.

  5. Marie, you have such a beautiful Web site! You also have a beautiful heart for people, and your insightful questions to me last week made me realize how blessed I am to be on the journey I’m on as a coach. Though, I always see myself as a “coach in training” prior to our peer session, I accept the role God gave me.

    I love my tribe. Both Travis and his wife have invested in my career journey, and opened a door of opportunity for me, and through them, you, Lola, and Lauren, my heart is changing.

    You inspired me to focus on three simple action items, and it has changed me. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and visiting my blog. Your future clients will be blessed to have you for a coach. You have an open tender heart, your honest, caring and the love you have for others shows through.

  6. Sherry Seidel

    My mom had away of making everyone feel welcome in her home. People flocked to her home for chitchat over coffee or a simple meal. I try hard to imitate her in this way. 💞

  7. Linda Vainella

    My mom was not an affectionate woman. She had a very hard life. Her sisters and brothers were put in a catholic orphanage she was next to youngest at 5 years old. It was horrible. It left her a hard woman. But she had a lot of perseverance. I cared for her at the end of her life.( I am an only child. My daughter helped me. It brought me and my mom closer. Later I lost that daughter. My moms strength was in me to face her death. Also my mom came to the lord before she died. My daughter too. I will always treasure the time we had

      1. Tanya Garb

        It took a long time for me to figure out a constant and changing pattern that was going on in my own personal life, learned to create heartfelt boundaries towards my parents and their families. it was around self-care for the heart in body mind and spirit, the physical form of exercise and creating art through writing and other visuals such oil painting, expressing emotions through poems then observe how others respond. For example the conscious decision to use my time and energy to respond to this blog is part of changing heart in my view to provide opportunity to be viewed, heard and changed to a stronger direction on journey, following a heart has a chance to align with its most potential expression.

  8. Linda Vainella

    My mom was not an affectionate woman. She had a very hard life. Her sisters and brothers were put in a catholic orphanage she was next to youngest at 5 years old. It was horrible. It left her a hard woman. But she had a lot of perseverance. I cared for her at the end of her life.( I am an only child. My daughter helped me. It brought me and my mom closer. Later I lost that daughter. My moms strength was in me to face her death. Also my mom came to the lord before she died. My daughter too. I will always treasure the time we had

  9. Brenda

    I love my Mommy deeply. She has made many sacrifices in her life just so she could be with us kids. She was a bar maid in her younger days. She was never with out a job. Her strength was much dealing with her husband. (he was not nice and that is putting it mildly.) My Mommy is still a beautiful lady. Thank you God for my Mommy. 🐸

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