S T R E T C H I N G: One Brave Step at a Time

S T R E T C H I N G: One Brave Step at a Time

S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g… it’s good practice both physically and figuratively. Like exercise, stretching out of our comfort zone can be hard work. It can also be scary. But sometimes, we just have to go for it. That’s where I’m at now—being brave, taking a risk, stretching beyond my comfortable limits, and going for it!

Before COVID, I worked with women one-on-one and hosted workshops. However, everything came to a halt once the pandemic hit. As a new businesswoman, I panicked: now what do I do?! In my survival mode, I started learning more about technology and how to do more things virtually. My coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis, was teaching me how to do Facebook Live, Zoom recording, and uploading classes to YouTube. I was learning and doing, really extending myself, yet feeling overwhelmed in the process. I was having mixed emotions about it all because I wasn’t fulfilling my purpose. Instead, I was reacting out of panic. 

God has called me to coach women one-on-one. The women I coach need and want that exclusive time and attention. However, in recent months, I’d lost focus out of fear and was trying to be like everyone else. But it wasn’t me or what I was called to do. I was off-track. So, I went back to the basics, which I find to always be a good place to start. I reviewed my notes from my coaching sessions with Diane and from the classes I had taken. I began earnestly praying and journaling, and taking a break from social media and online courses. I needed to simplify and find clarity again. 

Sometimes, we have to give ourselves permission to pull back from all the clutter and noise so we can hear our inner voice and take our next steps. It’s easy to lose focus, get off track, and ignore our unhappiness and dis-ease. I needed to turn inward to the dream God had planted in my heart, not the one I thought it was supposed to be. My ministry, my purpose, my calling is to be a life coach, working individually with women. My joy and peace have returned over the past few weeks since realigning with my mission. I’m thankful for Diane’s coaching because it helped me “be brave” and reevaluate how I want to fulfill my purpose and implement my coaching techniques. I’m also grateful that we’re all unique with different abilities, gifts, and styles. 

Now for the stretching out of my comfort zone: I’ve recently signed up for my Coaching Certification! I know this is the next level for me, and sometimes, we all need a coach to help us get back on track, grow, learn, and be all we’re capable of being.

Is there something you’ve wanted to do, but haven’t taken the risk? Where do you need or want to stretch out of your comfort zone? Join me, and let’s do it together.


  1. Suzanne Todd

    Marie, this was beautifully articulated. This year has stretched me as well. Yet, there’s hope when pressing onward looking for new beginnings instead of dreading what we are or may be losing. Thank you for your timely encouragement!

  2. Susan

    Again, Marie, I finish the last sentence of your Blog and am encouraged! My dream has been to work as part of a faith-based team to provide support through the arts to women who have been disregarded, abused and trafikked. Secondly, to travel and experience on a broader base, organizations who share my passion. Thank you!

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