Spring: The Season of Transformation

Spring: The Season of Transformation

March has arrived and spring is in the air. The snow is slowly melting. I am so excited and ready to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring. What comes to mind when you think of spring? Birds singing, an extra hour in our day, baseball season, St. Patrick’s Day, spring cleaning, gardening, renewed energy? So many wonderful things.

Like nature, our lives transition from season to season, too. Every season has its own beauty, and each season teaches us new lessons that provide new growth. 

Just as winter prepares the soil so that flowers can emerge and trees can bloom in the spring, it’s the same for us. We’ve been hibernating all winter, preparing for spring. We’ve had more time to read, reflect, dream, set new goals, journal, pray, take online classes, learn new things. This prepares us to emerge in all of our color and beauty. 

Spring is also a season of symbolism–of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. We celebrate Good Friday, Easter, Resurrection Sunday. Everything starts to transform with new life. We love the fresh feelings spring brings, and we often have a new zest for life. 

Spring is also a time to start taking action. All the fresh, new ideas that came to us during winter are ready to be planted now. Our ideas may be in the early stages, but they’ll begin to bloom as we cultivate them through our relationships and connections. Are you ready to try out all that you learned during the winter season? 

When we welcome spring on March 2oth, will you be ready for the new season, or will you linger a little longer in winter? It’s okay if you aren’t ready to transition into spring. Give yourself all the time you need, and just like nature, never rush the season. 

I know I’m ready. I took a lot of online classes to help grow my business, and I’m starting to implement what I learned. I’ve also started doing my in-house workshops again, which is really exciting.

In the comments section, tell me what you learned during hibernation.
How will you use what you’ve learned to emerge this spring?

Season of new life
Promise of new growth
It’s a season of possibilities
New beginnings
Gaining momentum


  1. Jane

    I am trying to reset and refresh my mind for spring. I always welcome spring but I struggle with change at times. (Mostly fall into winter) I must learn to live totally in the present. I don’t know why I think so much about the past and why it troubles me so. I think the lack of sunshine and activities during winter brings me to a sad place. It’s not until I see actual evidence of spring that I can turn my mind around. I live your posts & Thank you for the encouragement to break out of this feeling.

    1. Thank you for reading my blog. I’m happy it encouraged you.

      It has been a long winter. Like you, I’m looking forward to Spring. Sunshine and blue sky gives us a new energy level, that helps pull us out of winter, refreshes us and renews our mind.

  2. Audrey

    Spring means to me cleaning out the cob-webs and starting fresh……I am truly looking forward to a new fresh start this spring in many areas of my life…time to grow, stretch out, reach up and mature more fully into the woman God has always intended me…..excited for a “new” beginning. Love this blog Marie….really made me feel excited for this upcoming season both out in the world and inside my soul. Happy Spring!

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