This week I did a 5-day Brave Visibility Challenge with my coach, Diane Cunningham Ellis. I met a new group of women and we tried and learned new things. It was just the boost of inspiration I needed because sometimes I can get stagnant and the ideas don’t flow easily.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines INSPIRATION as “to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it.” The challenge did that for me.
Diane made the experience really fun and well, challenging!! Remember when you were in school and the teacher would put gold stars on your paper, and how you couldn’t wait to take it home and show it to your parents? The challenge was set up similarly as a game on an app called My Challenge. There were points, prizes, and high fives, and it was exciting each day to see what you earned and won. I’m definitely a kid (and competitor!) at heart and love to play games while learning at the same time. (I don’t have my total score, yet but I’ll let you know next week!)
The first day was intimidating because I had to learn the software (technology is still a challenge for me!) I didn’t do everything perfectly, but I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, and I’d do it again. I’m most proud that I signed up, showed up, stayed open and curious, and explored and shared new things. One of the best takeaways we learned in the challenge is that everyone is facing something that we can relate to: the more open and honest we are, the more we all learn and grow.
What inspires you? What helps restore your creativity? How do you challenge yourself?
It’s different for each one of us. Some find inspiration in meditative acts like journaling or drawing or taking long walks on the beach (my favorite); others enjoy shopping Etsy or browsing Pinterest. Some thrive while brainstorming with a group of colleagues, while others are more daring and want risk-taking adventures. Because we are unique, finding inspiration is different for all of us, but ultimately, our creativity comes from within.
Now I’ve got to practice what I learned by doing it. I’m sure I’ll need another challenge eventually because our lives and creativity, like the seasons, are always changing, and there are always new ways of approaching activities and experiences.
Do you need a spark of fresh ideas after the long winter? I’d love to share with you what I learned through one-on-one or group coaching, or at an Eva Marie Workshop.
Tell us in the comments what keeps you inspired and challenged.
Technology and I have difficult marriage😊 I understand how you feel.
The next workshop is Saturday, March 26. Hope to see you.
You always inspire me to do more and to challenge my mind to new possibilities. I am not good with technology and can get frustrated with new things on computers. I am looking forward to your next workshop or coffee connect!