New Year, New Word(s)

New Year, New Word(s)

Here we are at the end of the first full week of 2021. How did it go? This first week has been challenging for me: my Facebook account was hacked. Not a good thing for someone who doesn’t like technology! Hopefully, it’s all cleared up now. But God has a sense of humor because one of my goals for 2021 is to change my mindset about technology, and that was my first test of the new year. I kept an open mind, took a deep breath and worked through it.

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t because I find that they don’t work for me. Resolution sounds so final to me. Instead, I prefer words like dream, goal, or vision. They imply a process, a journey. Suppose by midyear I want to change my direction? Mentally, the word resolution doesn’t provide that same sense of flexibility for me as the words dream, goal and vision do. It may just be a matter of semantics, but to me, these words are friendlier, more inviting. 

As the new year approaches, I like to choose a new word (or words) for the upcoming year that speaks to my goals, dreams and vision. I start thinking about my new word at Thanksgiving when I write in my gratitude journal about my accomplishments over the past year. I reflect on what I’ve learned, how I’ve learned it, the challenges I’ve faced, the changes I’ve made and how they’ve changed me. I think about how I’ve grown into more of the woman God has called me to be and how God has carried me through the year. As I reflect on these things, my new word for the new year usually starts to surface. Once I settle on my word, I select a Bible verse, then write out why I chose the word. I also like to find things such as a stone or a mug or a decorative heart with my word on it. It’s important for me to see my word each day, to hold it in my hand as a reminder of what I’m working towards. 

This year, I have two words: wisdom and faith. Every time I’ve tried to narrow down and choose between the two, I can’t. So this year, I’ve decided that I must need both. 

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

“I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.” 

Proverbs 4:11 NIV

Faith: Complete trust or confidence in someone or something; a strong belief in God.

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 NLT

My why: With God’s wisdom, I can do all things. With my wisdom, I cannot. Putting my faith in God keeps me dependent on Him and not myself. It’s God’s wisdom that I seek to carry me through, not my own. When I have His wisdom, it reinforces the faith that I need to grow, to have peace, to move forward, to keep going in order to reach the goals that I’ve set for myself. 

I believe it’s important to choose words with intention and direction, words that you can live into and up to. Words that challenge us to expand and to focus without feeling overly pressured or burdensome.

Do you use a word or words when planning for the new year? If so, how do you make your selection? If not, then I encourage you to try it for the upcoming year as a playful experiment. Track your progress throughout the year, and you’ll be amazed at how your word or words can shape your life in 2021.

In the comments section, please share your word or words for the new year.


  1. Audrey L Ulmer

    Thank you Marie. Your blogs always stir something inside of me. Make me look at things not only a bit different but a bit deeper.

    My word this year is AUTHENTIC.
    The reason I chose this word is because I want to grow into that “authentic” woman that God truly created me to be. There are a few reasons I chose this word but that is the main one.

    Thank you for another beautifully written blog……Happy New Year!

  2. Jaquie Onifer

    God has been showing me The importance of the words I speak. I hold the power of life and death in my tongue. I can build up or I can deflate another person just buy a word. So I guess my words for the year are words matter. Couldn’t figure out how to put that in one word😂 but I am continually aware of how what comes out of my mouth is the reflection of what is in my heart. And what comes out of my mouth changes the atmosphere and perhaps the attitude and image of the person I’m speaking with at any given time.

  3. Pauline Bellamy

    I do appreciate your insight on choosing your word(s) for the New Year. Mine are intentional consistency for all areas of my life based on my faith.
    All the best for 2021 and growth this year!

  4. Crystal Evans

    Thank you Marie. Love your thoughts on using different terms I stopped saying resolutions years ago. I’m trying out a word of the year for the first time….God has given me JOY as my word I’m excited to see how he uses that throughout 2021. Thank you.

  5. Dawn

    I choose Hope and Trust as my words for 2021. And it’s funny Marie, I was reading a devotion the other day and this woman was also talking about a word for the New Year. I started thinking about it then. I choose Hope because honestly there wasn’t much to be hopeful for in 2020 for me. Trust goes right along with it. Trusting that this year will be better and I will grow closer to God… Can’t wait until we can all be together again 🙏

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