Keep Going

Keep Going

WOW, great feedback on CHANGE, thank you! It’s amazing to read the different and mixed emotions and thoughts the word has for each one of us.

Can you believe this is already the last Friday of the first month of the new year?! As you review your month, and consider your goals and achievements, how are you doing? Are you out-of-the-gate running? Are you easing your way in? Have you even started? Do you feel that you’re on the right track for you? 

I don’t know about you, but I like that my speed lane doesn’t have to be like anyone else’s. Staying in my lane, moving at my own pace and focusing on doing the best that I can do to better myself each day, is all the competition I need. No comparing myself to others. If I start comparing, I won’t move forward and probably would quit. 

Why God started me on this entrepreneurial journey at seventy, I have no idea! There is so much for me to learn–technology, marketing, social media, just to name a few things. Each day requires a lot of baby steps, and honestly, some days I feel like quitting. It’s important that I don’t stay in that mindset and instead look at everything that I have achieved so far. 

Have you ever wanted to quit because you compare yourself to other women and what they’ve achieved? Some days it’s hard not to compare, especially on a tough day. Remember, most successful women started out just like you and me: they were scared, had lots to learn, made mistakes, or said the wrong thing before they successfully arrived where they are today. We often don’t see or hear about their early beginnings; we only know of their success. It’s not always an easy journey, and nothing happens overnight. 

When you fall (and you will!) get back up, and KEEP GOING! Don’t give up, or get stalled with comparison. Surround yourself with women who encourage, challenge and cheer you on. In the beginning of any journey, we’re guided by the vision, the end point. If we keep going, our dream will become a reality. Sometimes our dreams take us down paths we never could’ve imagined, and those detours turn out to be better than our original destination.

The road can be bumpy, but your strong belief in yourself and in your vision will keep you going. Don’t quit. Keep a journal of each month’s successes–the experiences you had, the things you learned, the women you encountered who challenged and supported you. Surround yourself with anything that inspires you; keep your WHY in front of you as a roadmap. 

Keep going and don’t give up! At the end of 2021, you’ll be the woman God created you to be. God gave you your dreams. He believes in you and so do I.

Have you ever felt like quitting? What stopped you? What keeps you going? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Don't give up. God can change everything in just one moment.  - Tony Evans


  1. Sherry Seidel

    Marie, I’m very grateful for all your encouragement and support. Sometimes remembering the last time I gave up, The wasted time, and the depression that comes from not doing my best .This keeps me moving forward. Instead of comparing myself to others I am trying to imitate what I see others do that will help me move forward. This month has just flown Bye. Looking back I can see I have taken many baby steps forward. 😊

    1. Your welcome, so happy the words encourage you. Comparison is something most of us have to work on. Women tend to be drawn to comparing. God gave each one one of skills and abilities to encourage each other. God’s word always has the answers.

  2. Debby

    Thank Marie. Yes I’ve compared myself a lot to other women and have felt I’m behind. I’m learning not to do that anymore. God gave me gifts and I’m figuring them out. I keep doing baby steps and as long as I go forward even a little I’m good. Thank you for the reminder to keep going 😊

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