Hello December!

Hello December!

I hope all of you had a nice Thanksgiving. I have a confession to make: I ate too many yummy desserts! So this week, I’m detoxing. NO SUGAR! December has arrived, and now it’s time to think about baking and the Christmas dinner menu. I’ll be detoxing in January, too!

I’m writing this on the first day of December, and taking a deep breath. It’s the last month of this long year, and we can celebrate because WE’VE MADE IT THROUGH 2020! December is often a busy month: shopping, wrapping gifts, finding the right tree, decorating, baking and preparing for our family. On Christmas morning, we’re often exhausted from all the work we’ve done!

But this could be the best holiday season ever. Why? Christmas will be simplified due to the pandemic. We won’t be going from store to store looking for the perfect gift, attending parties, holiday concerts or Christmas plays. We’ll be home. This will give us more time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas—Jesus—and how we can show His love to others. 

Christmas is not a happy season for a lot of people. Some have lost loved ones; others are lonely; families are separated by miles or disagreements; many have lost jobs and homes; family members are sick, and because of COVID-19, can’t have visitors. This is the year that we have time to refocus our thoughts on the One who has given us so much: God. This Christmas, let’s give back by showing God’s kindness, love, compassion, empathy, tenderness, honesty and real care. Let this be the year we show the true meaning of Christmas to those around us.

What are some of the ways that we can show His love to others this season?

  • Adopt a family or a single mom in your church or community.
  • Give to the Salvation Army or your favorite charity.
  • Grocery shop for a family and have the food delivered.
  • Buy lunch for the front line workers in your area.

In the comments section, give some of your suggestions for giving back this season. Remember, the true meaning of Christmas is GIVING.


  1. Sherry Seidel

    Thanks Marie,
    I hope to put bags of Chrismas candy on my neighbor’s doors with a Christmas card that celebrates our Savior’s birth. May Good be with all of you during this blessed season and always.

  2. Audrey L Ulmer

    As always right on point. Loved the quote at the end of the blog. Giving of ones self….ones time. That has truly been on my mind a lot recently. What a precious commodity it is …time. I don’t know anyone who would love just an hour to spend with a loved one that has past or a relative or friend who lives across the country right now.
    And what about ourselves? Taking time with God or taking the time we need to self care. You really have my mind and heart moving with this one. Thank you my dear friend for again such a thought provoking blog.
    Much love.

  3. Sue C

    I like all the ideas! I also saw one on the internet of a reverse advent calendar. Put a grocery item in a box each day and then donate it to a family or food bank for Christmas Eve. When I saw the idea I thought it was perfect for thanksgiving too so did one in November and will do so again for Christmas 🎄actually, would be good to do every month.

  4. Janice Reppert

    All my mailmen, trash men, anyone who provided a service to me i will Repay this season with something special maybe homemade cookies or a Dunkin doughnut card something small but meaning full to them. Your 100 percent correct Christmas is about giving.
    Especially your time to to listen to someone who just needs to let things go.
    Giving doesn’t need to be monetary.
    Thanks marie

  5. Suzanne Todd

    Every year I think of all the people I want to give to and never do. Maybe, just maybe, a card would do. It’s a simple way to bring cheer. At least, it has given me great cheer to receive them. Now to follow through! Marie, thank you for a thought-provoking blog. (My husband and I are off of cane sugar. I am getting delicious recipes for desserts with alternatives, such as, honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar.)

  6. Pauline Bellamy

    Thank you for this and in this year when things are different, some acts of giving, no matter how small, can bring great joy to someone.
    One idea is sending something to the people who care for a loved one who is ill and being cared for in a health care facility during these very difficult times. We did that this week during the first week of Advent and they were thrilled to receive a gift before the influx of them later in the month when so much arrives. They need to be recognized for being in there when Covid is being tamped down and living in PPE all day long.

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