Heart-to-Heart Conversation

Heart-to-Heart Conversation

Today is already the last Friday in February. I’m happy that spring is around the corner. I love all the seasons, but when one season ends and the next season begins, I’m always ready. Changing seasons are a good opportunity to take a self-inventory.

Do you remember the last time you had a good heart-to-heart conversation with yourself? Have you taken the time to find the perfect place where you can sit quietly with your thoughts? You know, those deep down thoughts that you don’t necessarily share with others? Or are you too busy to have a private heart-to-heart?

It takes discipline to make a date with ourselves and to reflect on our thoughts, but it’s so worth it because every thought, action and word stem from our hearts and directly impact how we feel about our lives. What we believe affects how we react to our circumstances. Reassessing our beliefs from time to time is like going to the doctor for a check-up, but this is a self check-up.

Think about what it’s like when you let your mind connect with your heart. Think about the beautiful things that bring a smile to your face, or provide joy and laughter. Think about your hopes and dreams, desires and adventures, those things that motivate you.

Sometimes we don’t make the time for a good heart-to-heart because we don’t want to face what’s deep inside. Just like all the good things in our hearts, there can also be deep scars and hurts that we don’t want to acknowledge. When our hearts have been closed off due to hurt, judgement or criticism, it can be hard to reopen them and take an honest look. It can be hard to trust. But we can’t hide behind our hearts. It’s important to face whatever we might be feeling and to work on forgiveness. This is part of the work we must do to keep our hearts healthy, literally and figuratively. God knows how delicate our hearts are and what kind of care they need.

In order to hear what our inner voice is saying to us, we must be quiet and listen. Taking the time for a heart-to-heart can open up so many possibilities in our journey. It can help us move forward, take risks, and change the way we see our lives. An open heart is full of love for ourselves and for others.

Our hearts are fragile and strong, scared and brave, open and closed, full of joy, laughter and sadness. Our hearts carry us through everything, and everything flows through our hearts.

Take the time to truly listen to your heart. It’s speaking to you, and has so much wisdom to share. Enjoy your heart-to-heart conversation.

Hears every beat
Expresses love
Always available to listen
Remembers our deepest desires
Tender and kind

Proverbs 4:23: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.


  1. Tanya G. Aka Kale Gem

    Sensing a spur of a hearty heart poem in response to heart2heart convo…enjoy readers- healing heart, exceeding expectations, articulating artistry, rambunctious readiness…

  2. Pauline

    Such an amazing reminder of the importance of the need for our own Spring cleaning!!! After suffering recent loses, reflecting and having a good heart-to-heart conversation us just what I need❤️

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