Happy New Year

Happy New Year

At midnight, we said goodbye t0 2020 and welcomed 2021. How did that make you feel? I’ve had some mixed emotions about it. Within all the turmoil of 2020, I personally grew and so did my business, but at the same time, it was hard. I’m excited for the new year and what lies ahead for myself and for my family and friends. 

When I think of 2020, it reminds me of the opening to A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…”  It was a hard year, and yet we persevered. We grew as individuals and as communities. We helped our neighbors, supported our local restaurants and small businesses. With God’s help, we achieved more than we could’ve ever expected even in the midst of devastating losses. We are resilient people. 

The one thing I missed the most this year was connecting with family and friends in person. Zoom was one of the technologies I learned about (as did many!), and it was a lifesaver. With Zoom, we celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It kept us connected, and I’m so grateful for it, but it wasn’t quite the same.  

As we look forward to 2021, what might it hold for us? I believe it, like all new years, can give us HOPE. The definition of HOPE is “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” HOPE is the confident expectation of what God has promised, and its strength is in His faithfulness. This four-letter word offers us so much, especially as we start this particular new year.

We have hope that the new vaccine will stop COVID-19. That things will open up again. That neighbors can return to work, and small businesses can rebuild. That we can travel again to see family and friends. That we can gather and worship again. 

And yet, let us also hope that some of the routines and habits we developed in response to the pandemic will continue. That families will continue having meals together. That we’ll continue to strive to unite our communities. That we’ll continue to reach out to help those around us. That we’ll continue to be there for one another. As we look forward to 2021, let us not forget the things we’ve learned in 2020.

In the comments section, tell me what you’re looking forward to–what you’re hopeful for–in 2021. Happy New Year!


  1. Love your blog! I sincerely hope you will continue to share your thoughts & insight with the rest of us. I also hope that as small business owners we can be there for our community to offer supportive services & trusting relationships.
    With regard to friends & family, I look forward to maintaining the close bond we’ve shared before & through covid-19. I also hope to build better & stronger relationships with all those who matter & are important to me and release those who are not.

    1. Thank you Ruth, so happy you enjoy the blogs. One thing 2020 taught us was its the relationships we have with family and friends are so important. I agree, our small businesses need our support. They are the backbone of country.

  2. Tammy Opperman

    My hope is that the togetherness created by virus stays. I truly believe 2020 has slowed us down, we actually stopped to smell the roses because we were given time to do so. My hope is that many more lives have been saved and accepted our Savior during this time. My hope is families that lost loved ones find healing, love and strength to carry on.
    My hope is for a United country moving forward. God bless us all! ❤️
    Praise be to God in this journey we are on .

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