

October, known as the “releasing month,” is now behind us. On Sunday, November 1st, we set our clocks back one hour and entered into “The National Gratitude Month,” which I just learned about after doing some research. “The National Gratitude Month” was started by Stacey Grewal and proclaimed by the Register at the National Day Calendar in August 2015. Learn something new everyday!

Webster’s Dictionary defines GRATITUDE as “the state of being grateful, warm and friendly toward a benefactor.”

Our world needs more kindness, gratitude and thankfulness everyday. As you’re reading this, you may be thinking: with the year we’ve had, you can’t be serious? Yes, I’m serious! With all the chaos that surrounds us, how can we make this happen? It starts with you and me doing our part each day. It doesn’t have to be big; it can be the little things that count. How do we begin? Begin with being grateful to have a new day with a clean slate and a fresh start. Remember, all we have is today, so let’s make it count. 

With everything going on in our world and in our lives, it’s easy to complain and not be grateful. If you’re having a difficult time finding something to be grateful for, start with the basics: a good night’s rest, your favorite hot beverage in the morning, morning quietness, birds singing, the sunrise, watching the leaves dance and swirl to the ground. Take the time because these seemingly simple things can bring us great joy. When our children are small, what’s the one thing we teach them? Say “please” and “thank you.” A daily attitude of gratitude is so powerful.

When you’re grateful, you want to share it. Gratitude helps us take our eyes off of our needs and instead see the needs of others. Do you remember the Bell System (before it became AT&T) commercial, “Reach out and touch someone”? It was a great ad reminding us to take the time to show we care. When our hearts are full of gratitude, we reach out to others and bring them joy. On my cul-de-sac, we had the opportunity to show kindness to our neighbor, Kim, on her birthday this past Tuesday. Her husband had to work late, and she has no family in the area. Our neighbor Janice rallied the women on the block, and we showed up at Kim’s home with pizza, cake, and ice cream. It wasn’t elaborate, but it was a fun celebration to show we care. How can you show kindness to someone this week?

My challenge to you this week: start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down what you’re thankful for and watch the list grow. As your list expands, consider how you’re changing the way you view things. In the comment section, share three things you are grateful for.

Every day is the right day to express kindness, gratitude, and thankfulness. Together, we can experience “The National Gratitude Month” as a daily practice by giving thanks and showing others how much we care.


  1. Cat

    Grateful for my husband, daughter and family love and support. That the sun is shining today, that we are home safe. Grateful for the prayers that are being said for us. Grateful for Gods word to strengthen and provide direction and wisdom.

  2. I am grateful for each new day that God has given me! After he has healed me from my cancer this last year, the first thing I do each morning is thank him for another day!
    I am thankful for my wonderful family who supported and cared for me this last year.
    Most of all, I am grateful for our Savior who loved me and chose me to be one of his own.

  3. Sherry Seidel

    Thank you for this reminder. I am thankful for God’s daily provisions, the promise his mercies are new every morning and the love I share with him and all my family and friends. These are 3 things I would not want to live without.

  4. Debbie

    Thank you for sharing and reminding us how gratitude helps us to be thankful for not only the big things that occur on our lives but sometimes it’s the small things that have a greater value

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