Friendship With Yourself

Friendship With Yourself

Last week I talked about the value of friendships, and in the last paragraph I wrote:

“To have a good friend, you have to be a good friend, and that starts by being a good friend to yourself. Always treat yourself the way you want to be treated, and you will attract the right friends. The more you know about yourself, the better your friendships will be.”

What kind of friend are you to yourself? How do you treat yourself? Have you ever taken the time to ponder this? 

It’s really important to listen to how we talk to ourselves. Do you speak kindly to yourself? Are you encouraging, uplifting, and positive, or just the opposite? Think about your self talk: would you speak to a friend that way?

The busyness of life doesn’t always give us time to truly befriend ourselves. As women, we’re often taking care of everything and everyone else first—working, teaching kids at home, caring for a loved one, household chores, etc. 

I encourage you to make the time to cultivate a friendship with yourself. Look at your calendar, and schedule time to reconnect with yourself. Make that time sacred and non-negotiable. 

Here are some suggestions of what you can do during that time: 

  • Journal about where and when you might’ve lost touch with yourself
  • Be quiet and listen to your thoughts: do you need to be nicer to yourself? Do you need to forgive yourself?
  • Contemplate your dreams—you may want to create a vision board 
  • Reconnect with God—spend more quiet time praying and reading
  • Walk in nature to clear your mind and take in its beauty 

Being a good friend to yourself isn’t selfish. It’s actually an act of love for the person God created you to be. When we become friends with ourselves, we can better love and serve others. We’ll be happier, more joyful and caring to be around, and we’ll have more fun!

Be a true friend to yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat others. Be respectful, truthful and kind. Learn to enjoy your own company and laugh at yourself.

“Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy, for good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.”

Proverbs 27:9

Be that kind of friend to yourself.


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