Welcome to October—a new month to grow, change and meet new challenges. Autumn is known as the season of change. Do you find change exciting or scary? When I presented this question to the women attending the Coffee Connect Tuesday, most responded “scary” because fear stops them from moving forward.
Cambridge Dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful or bad that is happening or might happen.”
Fear is something all of us experience. It has no age or economic limits. It’s a common struggle we all share at one time or another. Why do we fear? What are some of the fears we face? I’m not a doctor, so I don’t know all the medical reasons we experience fear. But I know I’ve confronted good and bad fear—it’s real and it’s stopped me in my tracks.
Some of the fears I’ve faced have included starting new schools; peer pressure; others’ opinions of me; others’ actions towards me; not having control of a situation; not being perfect; not knowing the outcome and my reactions to it; being outside of my comfort zone; losing something or someone I love; failure. These are just a few examples in my life that have caused me to be fearful.
Fear can show up in the form of worry or anxiety. It takes courage to admit that you’re afraid, but when we do, we can better face our fear and triumph over it. Growth doesn’t come without change and change doesn’t come without fear.
There’s a saying that worry is like a rocking chair—always in motion, but never getting us anywhere. And that’s how fear can work, too. Most of the time, that which we fear never comes to pass, yet we give the fear so much power in our thoughts and emotions. An acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. I know I’ve wasted a lot of time and energy giving fear the upper hand in my life.
Not all fear is bad. We need a healthy fear to protect us. It helps us to be aware of our surroundings and keeps us alert. The boom and lightning strike of a bad thunderstorm can startle or even frighten us, but it also signals for us to take shelter. Another acronym for fear is Face Everything And Rise. This can help us see fear in a healthier light. Feeling excited and ready is the way I want to view and handle my fear.
I know that I don’t want fear to hold me back from what God has called me to do. I want to use all my gifts and talents in the best possible way. I’m learning to listen carefully to my fears and interrogate them: What exactly am I fearing in this situation? How can I best confront and rise above it? How can I bravely act even when I feel scared?
God doesn’t want us to live in fear. He wants us instead to have a strong faith in Him. We’re reminded in Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” We have to trust that when we seek Him, He’ll answer and deliver us.
How do you face your fears?
I don’t know what I would do without faith. Through the scary times, God is been there for me when I needed him the most.
With God and Faith you can get through the scary times.
Marie, Thank you I hope to hold on to some of these thoughts next time fear comes knocking on my door.
You’re welcome.
Yes, fear can take control unless we have Faith and control the fear. Faith and fear cannot exist together, so strengthening our Faith is important! Not easy, but important!
So true. Without our Faith we can’t fight fear. Our Faith has to get stronger everyday.
Fear! It’s brought isolation and concern over who knows what and what will happen to “it” !
I even use a “pen name” to be hidden. All that I’m trying to push past. Fear! Is a liar but oh how it creeps in.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Yes, Fear is a liar and it does creep in. Faith can help us overcome Fear. I will be praying for you.
This is excellent, Marie. Thank you
You’re welcome. Thank you for reading the blog.
This topic of ‘fear’ is so relevant and rampant in our world now. I keep reminding myself that 1) fear is a liar, and 2) God’s Perfect LOVE, casts out all fear! Now, if you would continually remind me of this truth, Sister Marie, I’d appreciate it! LOL So thankful your have established by God’s design a community of women who support each other through every season of life!
Yes, fear is rampant in our world but God is always in control. I will pray and help you when fear comes knocking at your door.
I love our Coffee Connect Tuesday get togethers. It’s so nice to share our thoughts, goals, fears whatever is on our hearts.
Thank you for coming and sharing.
That was so spot on for all that we talked about the other night (and didn’t talk about) You always have such a beautiful way to put I to words what we are feeling. Always love our times together. Love and Blessings!