Celebrate Your Life

Celebrate Your Life

How do you celebrate your life, or do you? Many of us love to celebrate others’ accomplishments and milestones—birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, new jobs and promotions, weddings, baby and bridal showers—but do we celebrate our own? Do you find it hard to celebrate your life?

Celebrating my own accomplishments was a lesson I had to learn. Being a self-proclaimed people pleaser, I had no problem investing my energy and praise in other people’s achievements. But when it came to my own, it felt impossible. I was never taught to heap praise on myself. How could I do that?! What would people think? Wouldn’t it appear to be self-centered?

I decided to start on a journey to learn something new about myself: how to celebrate my life and to understand that it’s okay to do so. But how do you start celebrating your life when you’ve never done it?

I asked myself questions:

  • Why don’t I celebrate my life, my accomplishments?
  • Do I lack self-confidence?
  • Do I have anything to celebrate?
  • Do I fear bringing attention to myself?
  • Is it really important to celebrate?
  • Do I think my achievements, big or small, are worth celebrating?

The more I journal, read and pray, the more I understand how God designed me and He has a purpose for my life. Without Him, I couldn’t achieve anything. He gives me my desires, hopes and dreams. He wants me to know my purpose and to celebrate it and when I do, I bring praise to Him.

I started paying more attention to what I was doing and learning. When I slowed down and did not rush through things, I enjoyed them more. By journaling these experiences, I realized how much I had to celebrate, and how celebrating enables me to be a stronger more confident and faithful woman. I made a sign that says “CELEBRATE YOU”. It is a great reminder that every day can be a day of acknowledgement.

When I celebrate:

  • I’m saying YES! to God, knowing He has a purpose for me and I am worth celebrating.
  • I worship God and all that He has done for me.
  • It brings joy and happiness to my day.
  • Big and little accomplishments are acknowledged as important.
  • It gives me a different perspective on life.
  • It helps me to recharge and motivates me to keep moving forward.
  • It helps me to be more grateful about all of life.
  • It reminds me to enjoy the journey.

You can celebrate in simple or elaborate ways. Celebrating your life doesn’t have to take a lot of money or effort.

Ways I celebrate:

  • Having coffee with friends
  • Treating myself to a pedicure
  • Reading a good book
  • Enjoying a day at the beach
  • Spending time with my family
  • Taking a class
  • Sewing or shopping for new fabric
  • Buying myself flowers, a new book or earrings
  • Relaxing in my favorite rocking chair
  • Making the time to celebrate my life

Choose to celebrate your life
Encourage others to celebrate their lives
Look for the adventure in all things
Expect the best from life
Bask in the hope of a brighter future
Rejoice in the goodness of God
Anticipate the joy each day can bring
Take the time to celebrate
Enjoy the moment


  1. Pauline Bellamy

    Amen, Marie! So beautifully said and the older I get the more I enjoy the little things, too! I love the little things In the area where we live, Our home by the lake, time with family and friends and just spending time in the nature that surrounds us!
    I CELEBRATE you and these beautiful blogs!

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