Blueberry Chaos: One of Life’s Lessons

Blueberry Chaos: One of Life’s Lessons

Over the years, God has taught me many lessons. Some I learned the first time and did not have to repeat them. Other lessons not so successful. A couple of weeks ago, I was food shopping, and God decided to give me a refresher course on control — a lesson I did not learn well the first time around.

It was a late Thursday afternoon, dinner rush hour at the food store, and the checkout lines were long. Yes, Life decided to give me a refresher course on control in the check-out line! I was taking the food items out of the shopping cart and placing them on the conveyor belt when, all of a sudden, I dropped a large container of blueberries. The blueberries went everywhere! Even with their masked faces, I could still see the “I’m in a hurry” expression in the eyes of the customers behind me in line.

At that moment, my old way of thinking took over. All the negative thought trains were full steam ahead in my mind: How could you be so clumsy? Now the customers have to wait on you! And on and on the inner dialogue continued. The young man working the register was in no hurry to get help with cleanup. Everywhere I stepped, another blueberry. It was a mess!

As a coach, I teach women how to handle these situations, so it was time for me to practice what I teach. BREATHE. I took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then another, let it out slowly. As I was taking these breaths, peace came over me; now God had my attention. He was giving me a review lesson on control. He reminded me: this is how your life works when you insist on being in control at all times — no room for mistakes and chaos everywhere you turn. When I insist on controlling everything, I’m overwhelmed, overstretched, disordered. My mind is racing, and I go in circles unable to accomplish anything productively. But when I stop, look around, take a deep breath, refocus, and give it all to God, life flows better.

The blueberry mess was what I needed that afternoon. The spilled blueberries changed my old patterns of chaos and control into a lesson of self-forgiveness and refocusing on the One who brings order to my life.

I wish I could tell you the customers were happier now that I had a refresher course on control and the young man cleaned the blueberries up in a timely fashion, but that did not happen.

Will there be more refresher courses in my life? Yes, because sometimes I forget and think I can do a better job at controlling my life, but it’s not true. My life is more truly manageable when I’m not in control.

How do you handle life when it feels out of control?

C – CHANGE your thinking. Journal about what happened. Be honest with your feelings.

O – OKAY when we don’t learn the first time. God is patient, kind, and loving.

N -NEEDS: trust they will be met.

T- TEACHABLE: always be open and willing to learn more about yourself. 

R – REFOCUS your thoughts on the One that cares for you.

O – ORDER comes when we release control.

L – LOVE yourself because each day you’re growing, learning, and changing.

This quote and bible verse is a good reminder for me:


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  2. Carol Powell

    Marie! That just happened to me last week at Aldi’s when I was going to buy strawberries and they opened on their own, blew out of my hand on the floor. With people behind me, all I could do was apologize and move on without them. It’s a humbling experience.

  3. Barbara Comiskey

    Thank you for the reminder. I always try to take control of things but like you had mentioned things become chaos. I’m trying to learn to take breaths and let God do the leading. Love reading your blog

  4. Pauline Bellamy

    Just loved this piece and could totally relate to it from a past situation! It really hit home and gaining control and composure in a situation like this isn’t always easy! I love the breathing technique and is a great way to handle it. The acronym control is excellent! A very well written and relatable blog! Kudos for a job well done!!!

  5. Karyn

    Love this story, Marie. It is good to take that deep breath. First of all, God breathed our first breath into our lungs. Everyone we breath it is one of our gifts from God. Next, when we drop something, we automatically take in a deep breath and usually we say oh no! Lastly, just continue to breath steadily, so the blood pressure drops! 😊🙏❤

  6. Ellen Smith

    So true Marie! We like to think we are in Control but giving it to God allows peace to flow through us. Thank you ! Enjoyed & wish you much success on your blogging adventure! ❤️🙏🏻

  7. Brenda

    Thank You Miss Marie. I know well that kind of situation. God loves us so much, He is willing to humble us in public. I love those times because when I finally finished my order and look around I can see compaction in the people eyes. Masks can not hide what the eyes tells. 🐸

  8. Kim Peckman

    Wow! Thank you for sharing such an insightful & useful piece. It is so helpful and inspiring during such a stressful and challenging time. Your lessons have truly improved my outlook on life and continue to lift my spirits on days when the world seems a little darker.
    You are a blessing.

  9. C.

    What a simple situation can derail us…and we find we are spiraling out of control…but the Holy Spirit is willing and able to bring us a calm and remind us that HE has equipped us with what we need for that moment. Sometimes it’s just to stand firm..sometimes it’s to rest etc etc.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  10. Pam Bellamy

    This is so timely as I try to unpack boxes from a recent move and some days I feel like I’m making no progress. The frustration doesn’t help at all. Breathing does!

  11. Audrey L Ulmer

    Absolutely love this….can so relate to those thoughts that run through my head….and how I keep trying to take MY control back. So much easier to just let go and let God. So looking forward to visiting this site and learning more about myself.

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