An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thank you for reading last week’s blog and sharing three things that you’re grateful for. It’s exciting to see the variety of experiences that bring you joy—from family and friends to new jobs to life-saving healing.

Gratitude offers us great health benefits, which I experienced this past weekend. It’d been a long week of work, not feeling well and prepping to start my Coaching Certification Class. The weather in the Northeast was a perfect ten, and Sunday afternoon I decided to take a break and go for a walk at the local park. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, the sun felt warm on my face, and the trees were full of vibrant color. 

At first, I was walking and not enjoying or being aware of the beauty that surrounded me. But as my walk continued and I felt the warmth of the sun, my mind began to relax and my eyes took in the glory around me. My body slowly released everything from the week, and an attitude of gratitude started to take over. I was grateful that I could walk; that I could enjoy the autumn colors; that I am healthy. With these thoughts of gratitude, my energy level changed from low-level and tense to relaxed and peaceful.  

Gratitude affects everything including our health. It can lower our blood pressure, improve our sleep, and help reduce stress and anxiety. The rewards are endless! I was happy for the lesson and the benefits of gratitude: God slowed me down so I could look, listen, learn, and appreciate His creation. After my walk and lesson, I treated myself to a Starbucks Caramel Brulee Latte—it was the perfect way to end a perfect afternoon!

Giving thanks for all you have.
Recognizing the goodness that surrounds you.
Appreciating each new day.
Thankfulness for God’s gifts.
Investing in others.
Taking time to count your blessings.
Unleashing your generosity on others.
Deciding to make each day count.
Enjoying the gifts of your life.


  1. Suzanne Todd

    You stated that well once again, Marie. My own experiences has shown whenever I am feeling down, I am usually too self-focused. As I turn my thoughts to Thanksgiving and Praise, especially to our Lord Jesus Christ, my mood instantly changes. Sometimes just the beauty of the sky will be enough to turn my focus from angst to joy. Thank you again for sharing your perspective with us.

  2. Suzanne Todd

    You are so right, Marie. My own experiences has shown whenever I am feeling down, I am usually too self-focused. As I turn my thoughts to Thanksgiving and Praise, especially to our Lord Jesus Christ, my mood instantly changes. Sometimes just the beauty of the sky will be enough to turn my focus from angst to joy. Thank you again for sharing your perspective with us.

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