A Teachable Heart

A Teachable Heart

Have you ever repeated a lesson in life because you weren’t open to being teachable at the moment? I know I certainly have. So many times I wish my heart had been more ready to receive a lesson the first time around. A teachable heart can prevent a lot of heartache.

Being teachable means you’re able to learn by being taught. Being teachable is admitting you don’t know something and receiving the help necessary to learn. Do you have a teachable heart? Do you have a hard time asking for help from others? Sometimes it’s not easy asking for help and allowing someone to teach us. Our pride and ego can get in the way, and we can miss out on an opportunity to expand. 

It takes a teachable heart to learn, grow and change. It’s an everyday process if we want to see shifts in our lives, but it’s a process that can fuel the desire for more wisdom and knowledge.

How do we cultivate a teachable heart?

  • Spending time with God is the key to our wisdom, knowledge and learning.
  • Maintaining a positive outlook on and desire for learning: a hunger to continue growing, learning and changing.
  • Keeping our eyes open to see, ears open to hear and hearts open to receive.
  • Learning from our mistakes and looking for growth in every situation. 
  • Writing down what we’ve learned.
  • Sharing what we’ve learned with others: the more we share, the more we reinforce what we’ve learned.
  • Desiring to be around people who are willing to teach because they are continually growing.
  • Admitting when we don’t know and asking for help. 

In the comments section, share what it’s like for you when your heart is open and teachable.

Excited to grow
Always wanting to learn
Craving more wisdom and knowledge
Asking questions
Being a willing student

A Teachable Heart by Marie Webber


  1. Fear is a major reason why many people can become unteachable. Even as Christians fear may at times prevent us or make it very difficult to become teachable. We are taught that fear is not of God, and that’s true! But what if our fear developed from terrible experiences during our childhood and we carried this feat into our adult life? And what if we didn’t realize that society had already labeled us as “insecure” or convinced us that we were only suffering from “poor self esteem”, and that “it’s all in your head, so get over it & move on”…. sometimes it’s not that simple.

    I just described myself in a few sentences. While I self-medicated all my life-I didn’t truly understand until several years ago just how deeply it had affected every part of my being. But I’ve been on a mission to heal. While it has been a struggle, I know that with God ALL things are possible. I thank God everyday for rescuing me and placing all the loving people in my life to help teach & encouraged me along my journey. Thank you Marie for being one of them❤️! May God bless you & continue to use you to help more women like me!🙏🌹

    1. Thank you for sharing your heart. The beauty of a teachable heart, there is no age limit on learning, growing or changing. Our God is patient, kind, loving and He doesn’t rush us or tell us to move on. Because He is gentle we can heal.

      Ruth, you have a beautiful heart, you have taught me so much. Thank you for the kind words. I am always here for you.

  2. Tanya G.

    I believe many times in life I recall times in which I’ve had what you described as a “teachable heart” however there are also other moments it has been stressful and challenging to muster up the courage to ask for help because of that pride and ego that you mentioned in your blog. I also seem to get restless and exhibit what appears to be performance anxiety. Furthermore, I feel inspired when I meet another people such as students who seem to have “teachable hearts” because given the chance to enrich their life and in return creates experiences including exchange of ideas and sharing visions of various projects.

  3. Brenda

    I have a tale to tell… When I was a child, sometimes I still am, people around me would tell me how to talk, how to dress, even how to feel. The nerve of those people, I thought, to try and make me be a puppet. But I knew something that most of them did not. I had Jesus from a very early age. Jesus was and still is my saving grace. Now I feel what God wants me to feel. I say what God wants me to say. And I am happy. 🐸

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